Betty's Birthday - 12th November 2013

Dear Friends

Due to building works carried out at our home it was not possible to celebrate Betty's birthday but all the same our two girls, Lisette and Yvette insisted they would come over to personally wish mum Happy Birthday, and as such Betty prepared a nice Chinese dinner for just a few of us.

Thanks also for the lovely presents and though Winston and family were not around as no party planned, Winston came over the night before with his lovely Birthday Card for mum and a lovely birthday gift from the family.

Molly, thanks for coming over straight from school. Pity Jacob could not make it.

Here are some photographs taken by Abigail who was having fun with my camera. Think she is hooked on taking photographs. Abi here are your photographs taken at random.

P.S. On behalf of Betty I wish to thank all Betty's friends from across the Globe for all their phone calls and of course all those on 'Face Book' with all their lovely Birthday wishes. 

Love to all.
Benny & Betty


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